The main objective of Talents In Campus is to facilitate the introduction of talented graduates and undergraduates into the labor market.
This project is promoted by OPES (Ente di promozione sportiva – Organization promoting sport) and Impresapiens Research Institute of Università La Sapienza in Rome. Thanks to our previous experience with the “Campus Mentis” project, where we have tested some accurate job placement methodologies, we are confident we can reach the following goals:
- Creating opportunities for meeting with selected companies, leaders in the national and international scene.
- Stimulating young people between 20 and 28 years old to discover their attitudes and aspirations.
- Encouraging personal growth and development of soft skills.
- Promoting corporate culture and support self entrepreneurship.
Talenti in Campus will be developed both in a physical and a virtual hub, reaching its maximum expression in seven planned workshops. These workshops lasting one to three days, will be the core events where we connect the large national and international companies with the best talents from the academic world. All these activities, initiatives and services offered, serve the purpose to support graduates and undergraduates entering the labor market plus promote self-entrepreneurship and corporate culture as a conscious choice and not merely an alternative to employment. The project will have a huge impact on society, and will be able to achieve all its specific and general objectives, thanks to these two promoter players, authentic leaders in their respective fields.
OPES is a Sports Promotion Institution, it was born in 1980, and subsequently recognized by CONI.
It has a specific mission:
To improve the world in which we live in, little by little, managing a sustainable, sports, social and cultural promotion development program, which is able to generate value for everyone and its community.
In order to inspire and nurture Sport and the Third Sector, both in Italy and abroad, it promotes and organizes, nonprofit activities of different sort: small and large sporting, cultural, social promotion, voluntary, training and recreational events and projects.
Nowadays it is mainly engaged as a leading organization of sport, since it realizes and coordinates national and international projects and activities that favor integration, social inclusion, education, aggregation and all those values that can bring benefits to the community.
It is a Research Center operating at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, established with Rectoral Decree No. 165/2009 Prot. No. 21311 of 10/04/2009 to bring the University back to the center of Research and Experimentation connected with the placement process, company organization, ongoing training, workplace safety, demand for job offers and issues related to entrepreneurial and employment systems.
The Center promotes, coordinates and carries out research activities in the field of job placement.
The elective fields of research and activities that the Center will carry out can be outlined according to five dimensions of analysis:
the qualitative-quantitative analytical dimension aimed at defining the demand for human resources in defined territories and to identify their variations over time;
the qualitative-quantitative analytical dimension aimed at monitoring both entrepreneurial potential and evolutionary trends and the number of young graduates who intend to access the labor market in specific areas;
constant verification of the skills expected by industrial organizations and the skills acquired by graduates on the basis of their specific training curriculum;
the dimension of analysis of any gaps between supply and demand, also in relation to the evolution of the professional scenario at national level;
the forecast analysis dimension which takes into account also an in-depth analysis of the graduates’ expectations regarding their future employment.